So it is snowing the most beautiful, stunning thick snow flacks right now. I was getting ready for bed when I stepped outside and found is falling. I guess that it is not really that exciting, but it was just so beautiful in the light of the porch. Any who, my camera was almost out of battery but I ran out side to snap a few pictures. This is the only one I got before it dyed. The funny thing is that all that I could see was the big snow flakes falling quitly and gently straight to the ground. When I took the picture though the camera captured these crazy flurries of little snow flakes making it seem more like a crazy snow storm then a gentle snow. I am sure if I thought long enough I could think of some kind of deep meaning about how it is similar to life. For now though I am content to just marvel at how amazingly beautiful it is and how AWESOME the God I serve is!
Wow! That looks really cool!