Monday, February 11, 2013


I know quite often I am laying in bed thinking about all the different things to do with my future, my past, all the things I need to do tomorrow   I feel like I get in bed and my brain is like "Hey right know is the PERFECT time to think through EVERYTHING!"  Sometimes I have a lot of trouble falling asleep, I figured that there are probably a ton of other people out there who have the same troubles as me so I decided to tell you guys real quick about my method for falling to sleep quickly and peacefully.

Fall Asleep Quick Plan! 

  1. Through off the covers
  2. Splay out all limbs in different directions
  3. Push all thoughts out of your head (maybe sing the lyrics to a song over and over, or pray)
  4. Take three deep breaths 
  5. Thank God for the day and ask Him to bless tomorrow and your sleep
  6. After you are good and cold pull the covers back up and snuggle in. 
  7. Continue to push all thoughts out of your head. This is the hardest part, it is easy to continue to worry, think, plot and scheme, but just push it all away trusting that God has control of your life and let His peace cover you

I guess that I have realized that a lot of times I am just worried about something or trying to control or plan everything in my life. I LOVE to plan things, but I have to remember that I need my sleep and that God has it ALL under control, I don't have to worry about a thing. 

I hope you enjoyed my quick little view on falling asleep! TATA! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Celina! Another great post! My mind tends to whirl around too and that is a good reminder to just know that God is in control.
