Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Photography Challenge, Day 1

So I keep running across these "photography challenges" on pinterest.  Now, I am not any good at taking pictures, I mean I know how to point and shoot, but I don't really have an "eye" for it, nor do I have a good camera. I thought it would be fun to try some of the challenges just for the fun of it, and it would be fun to look back on.  So I picked two that looked fun and I will show you what I do everyday on here.  I am getting ready to go on vacation in a week so I might not be able to do it everyday, but I will just pick up were I left off.  So here are the ones that I picked!

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(this one, just FYI I am not going to show a picture of me drunk, because I am just 15, and I don't plan on ever being drunk ;) )


Day one- Where I slept. So for this one as soon as I got up, before I made my bed I took a picture so you guys could see how my bed truly looks.  I used to sleep all neatly and my covers would be perfect when I woke up.  In the last month or so I have started snuggling in and my bed is looking a little crazy (I guess Olivia is wearing off on me :) )

On the other one I had to put a picture of my facebook profile-

This is me ya know eating a piece of soap :). No, I am not really eating a piece of soap, I just made it to look like peppermint bark and so I had to fake  eat it.  This picture was taken a while ago as you can tell by the date on the bottom.  I know having the dates on the bottom of pictures makes them look kinda cheesy, but for my Dad's Chirstmas present I had to find pictures of us kids for every year that we have been alive.  It was REALLY hard to figure out what date the pictures were taken, so I figured twenty years from know when I am looking at these pictures it will be nice to know when they are take. 


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