Alrighty before I get to the pictures I want to talk about something that is really near to my heart. That is pouring your life into those younger then you. When I was younger I remember thinking that teenage girls were the coolest thing in the world, when one would take the slightest notice of me, my heart would sky rocket! I have grown up around this family that has four kids the oldest is a seven year old girl. She LOVES hanging out with the "older" girls at church. I remember that age in just a few short years her body and mind will be going through some CRAZY changes, that will be confusing and strange. Already she has started talking about how she sometimes wishes she was skinnier (GRRR!) and she says that her brother and other little boys in her life have been teasing her. She really apreciates it when people other than mommy and daddy love her like the little girl she truly is. So I like to have sleepovers and "girl parties", being the oldest of the family, she doesn't always get to do fun crafts and games geared toward older children. When ever she comes over I plan a ton of fun things that are just girly and fun- Here are some ideas for having a sleepover with a little girl in your life.
1. One of the things that is GREAT to do with younger girls is nails or spas. I put some warm water in a bowl and let her stick her hands into that for while, then I massaged her hands with girly smelling lotion. Next I let her pick out of my many nail polishes what ever design and color that she wanted. She chose red with NEON orange hearts and then silver sparkles. A little crazy I know but that is what she picked and I just went with it.
2. Another fun thing to do is toes ;)
3. I also let her get out my jewelry making stuff and just make what ever she wanted, she made two bracelets and a necklace.
4. One of the things she LOVES to do is makeup, I usually try to keep it light, a little eye shadow, blush and a little lip gloss is great to bring out the beautiful little girl.
I didn't get pictures of the other things we did, but here is a list of some other ideas.
5. We made cookies, she decided that she wanted to make cookies with chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, and peanut butter pieces. They turned out WONDERFUL I think that she really enjoyed helping me, I have been baking cookies on my own since I was younger then her. So it was really fun to tell her what to do and just watch her try, a couple time when she spilled stuff all over the flour I just had to smile and remind myself that I could clean it up latter. You have to remember to be encouraging no matter what happens, remember that they are trying their best!
6. I also took her out on the four wheeler and showed her all of the little forts that I had made when I was younger, she loved looking through all the different places and imagining me playing there when I was her age.
7. We played just dance SO FUN! I love that game, and she loved trying to beat me. I let her a few times ;). It was so exciting to see her face when we looked at the scores and she had won! That was also a great way to get some wiggles out, without doing "boy" things.
8. Before bed we watched a Pocahontas 2, the rest of my family was using to TV so we ended up just sitting on my bed using my laptop. The funny thing was, sitting on a bed watching a movie was soooo exciting to her, it seemed so grown up I guess.
9. We also read the Boxcar children books, we finished on and started on the next one. Those are GREAT books for girls or boys. The kids in those books have to take care of themselves in the woods on their own, they find an old boxcar to live in. So much fun to think about having to live on your own. Then when they go to live with their grandfather, they still have a lot of freedom but they are always sweet and kind. After the first book all the rest of the books are about the little adventures the kids go on and the mysteries they solve.
10. After we got in bed we played a game that she made up, you have to imagine something. Like I would say "if I was a princess I would have a REALLY big room, and two puppies. Every morning I would go out onto my balcony and listen to the birds while drinking hot cocoa and reading the Bible." It was crazy the different things that we would think of, some of the "imaginary's" that we came up with, we would each keep adding on to them and we would end up going to like five or ten minutes!
11. Another fun thing to do would be to make something out of clay, bake it, and paint it. I have done that on a previous sleepover, she LOVED that.
12. One thing to keep in mind is when you are going to bed, make sure that you are near her and make her feel comfortable, pray with her before she goes to sleep, and maybe talk to her a little before you go to sleep "Imaginary" (the name of the game she made up), is a great thing to play because it will take her mind off the fact that she is not at home. She will start thinking of all these wonderful things and forget about missing her Mommy and Daddy. Usually when they are that age they will not have been to many sleepovers so sleeping away from home is still new and a little scary.