Hello peoples!! I have made it safe and sound to Mauritius. Yes it is as beautiful as it looks online, yes it is hot, and yes jet lag as real and strong force in my life right now. So most of you know that I am a very timely person, I am always checking my watch and using the time of day to decide if it is the proper time to eat, sleep, wake up, sometimes even pee. But right now my brain is all confused and it was especially bad on the all the flights because over the course of about 30ish hours we flew threw two sunsets and two sunrises wha!? My meals consisted of whatever random snacks Mom sent with me THANK YOU MOTHER! and plane food. I had previously heard that plane food was the worst but I don't have a very refined palette, I mean I like McDonalds chicken nuggets, and freezer meals. So I was thinking that it would be ya know like not that bad I might even enjoy it, but I did not know that food could taste that bad. Some things I was eating for a while before I realized what they were trying to make, Anywho my brain is all askew and every one of the three flights I got a window seat WOO! But having a window seat and getting up and out of your seat is difficult because you have to get the attention of the person sitting beside you, none of them spoke English as their first language and get them to step out into the tini tiny aisle then you have to get into the tini tiny aisle to walk into the tini tiny bathroom then you do it again to get back into your seat. I LOVED getting to look out the window and look down on the clouds AH YES! That was just wonderful. Sleeping on a plane is not super easy so since I woke up Saturday at six am I haven't slept more than six hours and those are like thirty minutes here and there so my brain is just failing me right now. It is only 1:00pm here and I am trying to stay up until at least 8:00 tonight so I can start getting into a regular sleep schedule. The weather here right now is warm but there is a breeze and humid and we just had an afternoon rain, so basically perfect sleeping weather. The house is really quite right now except for the fans blowing the air around, and the bird chirping noises coming through the windows. Everything is so green and beautiful here, when I get up the energy to walk over to my window I will take a picture of the beauty around me, but don't expect that to happen for a couple days ;).
Even though I have only been out of America for a little while I have already noticed that Americans are just really loud. In all of the American airports I was in everyone was talking and there was just noise everywhere, in the Paris and Mauritian airport there was close to the same number of people and it was just SUPER quite. It was kind of unnerving I personally like my loud peoples.
On the first flight that was only two hours long I was sitting in front of a thirty something guy and a sixty something guy that had just met each other. The thrity something guy talked like a sailor, not that I have met a lot of saliors but how I imagine a sailor would talk, he used cuss words all the time but not in a "watch me be dirty" way but that was just the way he talked. He was a loud talker (yah Americans!) and he and the old guy talked the whole time and I got to eavesdrop and imagine what it would be like if I had the nerve to just start talking to a stranger and find things to say for two hours straight.
The next flight was eight hours and I set next to a French lady, we didn't talk like at all but when they brought out breakfast they handed us this warm thing in a plastic package and we kind of looked at each other like "what the heck is this supposed to be?" neither one of us ate it but I think it was supposed to be some sort of egg sandwich but it was THIN and very sad looking. That flight I tried not to go to sleep so I could adjust myself to Mauritian time. So I watched a couple movies and stared out the window :D
The last flight was eleven hours. I set near a nice French man but we didn't talk much either except funny story- I was sitting there minding my own buisness when he reaches her trys to offer my some sort of oil in a dropper kind of thing. I had no idea what it was and said no, he tried to show me the box to show what it was supposed to do but it was in french so I had no clue. Turns out it was one of those things you stick up your nostril and breath it in to clear your sinuses, so either he was just wierdly kind or I was sniffing too much and it was driving him crazy... who knows. That flight had movies as well but you needed a special kind of headphone to use them and I didn't realize until an hour before the end of the flight that the headphones were in the back of the seat in front of me. So that flight I tried to sleep, finished my book (it had a pooy ending), listened to a book on tape, listened to music, read about what each movie was about, ate weird undistinguished food, and watched other peoples movie screens and made up the monologue in my head (I actually did this a whole movie before I realized that I should move on.)
So now I am here on this beautiful island! Trying to stay awake in prime sleeping weather.
Celina, it feels like we're at your house & I'm listening to you talk. :) love your discriptions. I can see you while reading what you're describing!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you made it safe & sound and hope you adjust to your wake/sleep time soon. Looking forward to reading more of your experiences!
Love you, Jenni
That was pretty priceless Celina, just like they show plane scenes in movies being. What an adventure, Mauritius sounds beautiful, I can't wait to see pictures.