Sunday, February 22, 2015


Yesterday Katie and Yvan took me all around Mauritius to see the beautiful landscapes that this little island has to offer.  In the course of one afternoon we got to see all these beautiful places, it is crazy to think that these things are all just like 30min or less drive away from each other!  

The pictures are all askew and in crazy order so we actually went to the beach last but those pictures uploaded first, sorry, my laziness won out and I just decided to leave it that way. 

So this is the amazing beach, the place we went to wasn't as full of tourists as a lot of the beaches and it was STUNNING!  I love the ocean and I could have stood there all day just looking at it with my toes in the sand.   

 The sky! It's just so beautiful!

This was one of the places that we drove through, Just driving and seeing all the mountains and beautiful greenery was super cool.  
This was just a place were we pulled off on the side of the road to look out, I know, stunning!  The crazy thing is that even with my cheapo camera and bad photographing skill, God's amazing beauty still shines through.  

This place is called Black River Gorges.  Truthfully it was probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  I thought it was even more amazing than the Grand Cannon.  If you looked closely you could see cool things like massive waterfalls and birds flying underneath you.  

See what I mean! 

 This was actually the first place that we went.  There were eucalyptus trees everywhere and this was just the walk to the actually "scenery"

You could see out FOREVER!

The waterfalls were beautiful! 

A little stream that we walked over on a sweet little bridge.  

Driving through these paths of trees was just amazing!

So as you can see Mauritius is a  beautiful island!  Just the scenery looking out the window in my bedroom is awesome.  Looking out my window right now the sky is a brilliant blue and the clouds are huge and fluffy.  Being here makes it hard to imagine any of these things are an accident.  Even the clouds are singing God's praises.  

1 comment:

  1. GORGEOUS!!! How blessed you are! What a beautiful place! Enjoy sweet Celina! We miss you, but pray you are drinking in this time and enjoying "dancing with Jesus"! Love, Jamee'
