Yesterday I went to the grocery store and got a few different foods that I have never seen before and tried them... Here is my take on some Mauritian candy
This first thing I got was not really candy but it looked interesting, it looked like a good snack :D. So I buyed it. They are actually pretty good, a little dry and the chocolate is weird and doesn't really taste like chocolate, I crumbled some of them up in yogurt today and it was AMAZING! I probably found my new favorite breakfast while I am here. Also they look like weird dog treats or something which is a bonus.
I also got a Tim Tam, which was like a really amazing Kit kat, it was awesome :D, also it was only around 30 cents so that's great. I also kinda sorta ate it on the walk back to the house so all you get is a picture of the wrapping ;).
I also got some Bubbly (hee hee) just because it looked intriguing and had a cool name. It actually weird and I am not a fan of the mint flavor, usually I love mint chocolate but this, not so much. They had a couple different flavors so I might try another one, it is really light but I also feel slightly jipped because there is so much air in it. Didn't Hershey come out with something like this a while ago? I think it was Hershey Air or something, I dunno. This was probably my least favorite, but it does look awesome.
Here in Mauritius they have a couple different kinds of Kit Kats which is wierd since I have only ever seen chocolate. So I got Caramel and Peanut Butter and tried a little of each. I didn't really like them a ton, I mean it was still a Kit Kat, but like the top layer on both of them is SUPER creamy and sticky so when you take a bite the creaminess overwhelms the Kit Kat crunch.
Sorry for the acward leg in the background, my cheapy camera wouldn't focus above the bed.
I also grabbed some of these guys which are pretty much just mini cigar cookies (not the technical term but that is the only way I know to describe them). They are amazing, so tiny and scrumptious like the tiny version of one of my favorite things. I am totally bringing some of these back with me to share.
They're so CUTE!
Anyway that is my experience so far with packaged Mauritiun food :). So far the cheapest things (Tim Tam and Stikko fingers) were my favorites by far, so that is awesome!