So I often have trouble with keeping up with school so here are some of my ideas for staying on track! So first thing is you need a place were you can do your school, I usually do mine on my bed, but if it helps for you to be sitting at a desk then GO AHEAD! One thing you have to remember when you are doing school on your bed is that you HAVE you have it organized! Everything needs to be within easy reach while you are working. Like before I start school I have to make sure that I have my computer, my books, a pen/pencil, and my notebook handy.
If you have a hard time concentrating on school, or have a hard time drowning out other noises. One thing that you an do is load up your Ipod with music that is a good white noise (songs you know really good, or songs without words) Or if you cannot concentrate with music on try turning a fan on. On thing that I like to do is to write all of my things that I have for school on a chart like this- (click on the underlined words underneath the picture to see it larger)
Also one thing that I like to do is write down all that I have to do for that day in a lot more detale in a cute notebook like this- I also write down a lot of my finished homework in here.
I like to have notebooks that have fun things like tabs or a pen on the inside. It is also nice to have one with lines.
Larger pic,
One thing that is REALLY important is good lighting, whether is ceiling light or a lamp
I got this cool little doohicky for Christmas, it has a sticky back and you can just stick it on to anything and you can put any pen or pencil in it and it is always handy, I love this because I am always loosing my pens I can just stick it on here and I can always know where a pen is.
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