Tuesday, January 31, 2012


So I often have trouble with keeping up with school so here are some of my ideas for staying on track! So first thing is you need a place were you can do your school, I usually do mine on my bed, but if it helps for you to be sitting at a desk then GO AHEAD! One thing you have to remember when you are doing school on your bed is that you HAVE you have it organized! Everything needs to be within easy reach while you are working. Like before I start school I have to make sure that I have my computer, my books, a pen/pencil, and my notebook handy.
If you have a hard time concentrating on school, or have a hard time drowning out other noises. One thing that you an do is load up your Ipod with music that is a good white noise (songs you know really good, or songs without words) Or if you cannot concentrate with music on try turning a fan on.

On thing that I like to do is to write all of my things that I have for school on a chart like this- (click on the underlined words underneath the picture to see it larger)

Also one thing that I like to do is write down all that I have to do for that day in a lot more detale in a cute notebook like this- I also write down a lot of my finished homework in here.

I like to have notebooks that have fun things like tabs or a pen on the inside. It is also nice to have one with lines.

Click here for larger pic

Larger pic

Larger pic,
One thing that is REALLY important is good lighting, whether is ceiling light or a lamp

I got this cool little doohicky for Christmas, it has a sticky back and you can just stick it on to anything and you can put any pen or pencil in it and it is always handy, I love this because I am always loosing my pens I can just stick it on here and I can always know where a pen is.
Click here for larger pic

Monday, January 30, 2012

Nail art!!!

This is my latest nail art!! Just a cute little rubber duck on one of the nails, and the rest have little bubbles. :) The first thing I did was to mix 2 colors like these. I just used a silver and a blue, after I mixed them I painted all of my nails this color.
Then I with these colors I mixed up some "bubbles". With the mixture of all these colors (just play around until you have the right color) I dipped a slightly sharpened pencil and dotted the "bubbles" all over my nails, just leaving one blank

time for the ducky! I put a little bit of the yellow on a paper plate and dipped the same pencil into it creating a head a torso. Then with a pencil that was a little sharper I dotted a little but beside the head and torso, the tip of the tail, then with the same pencil I filled in the tail. With the black I put a little dot on the head for the eye, and with the orange I made a little beak. Then I used the same "bubble" mixture that I used for my other nails to make it look like the duck was sitting in a bath. Then I added some more bubbles on the rest of the nail.

I used this sparkly polish to add a little bit of sparkle to every part that I had put "bubbles" on.

I hope this makes since!!! I got this idea from this video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AChZivi8Zzg&feature=g-all-u&context=G238fef4FAAAAAAAAEAA If you try this tell me!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Story Cubes

Have you guys ever played story cubes? It is SUPER fun, you buy a pack of cubes that look like this- and you make a story out of what you see on the cubes. There are a million different ways you can play it. The way that I like to play it is to play with 2 people and split up the dice. Each person rolls their own dice, and you take turns putting one of your cubes down and making a story out of it. IT IS SOOOOO MUCH FUN!!! It is especially fun to play with a crazy friend (or brother) late at night when you are both slap happy :) So much fun for only 8 dollars- http://www.amazon.com/Gamewright-318-Rorys-Story-Cubes/dp/B003EIK136/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1325906991&sr=8-1

Monday, January 2, 2012

Scavenger Hunt

Today we went on a HUGE Scavenger hunt. Mom wrote out a list of all sorts of things to find and we split up into a boy team and a girl team. It was soooooo much fun, the boys beat us by like five minuets. Whoever won got to pic out the place that we went out to eat, they picked Mister Wings. The scavenger hunt was a super fun and not very expensive. I thought that I would share with you the list that we used. Oh and some of these things we couldn't just carry around so everything we just took a picture of, well not the things that you had to buy. :)

  1. Large Body of Water
  2. Four American Flags
  3. Cool Car
  4. Buy a food that you have never eaten
  5. Drive on a road you have never driven on
  6. A factory
  7. A picture of you exercising
  8. You with a cow
  9. White house with Black shutters
  10. Storage rental
  11. Dumpster
  12. Out door basket ball goal
  13. Lone tree in a field
  14. Red front door
  15. Creek with water in it
  16. Buy a drink you have never tried
  17. Get gas at a gas station you have never used
  18. House with green roof
  19. Four houses for sale
  20. Person wearing a purple shirt
  21. Stroller
  22. Four Business signs
  23. White vinyl fence

I hope that you guys try this! If you add anything to it tell me! It is just a fun thing to do because people of all ages can do it, you don't really have to be able to read just have to keep a sharp eye out. Scavenger hunts are fun even if you just do one around the house. Tell me if you try it!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Nail art

So I did my nails again today and I thought that I would share what I did, sorry I don't have any pics :(.
Newspaper nails
1. paint your nails white
2. dip one nail in rubbing alcohol
3. take some newspaper that has words on it and press it on to the alcoholed nail, hold it for about 20 seconds
4 repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have done every nail
5. put topcoat on and enjoy!

also I found free a Chronicles of Narnia audio book on the internet and I thought that I would share the link- http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts/series/the_chronicles_of_narnia