Then I with these colors I mixed up some "bubbles". With the mixture of all these colors (just play around until you have the right color) I dipped a slightly sharpened pencil and dotted the "bubbles" all over my nails, just leaving one blank
time for the ducky! I put a little bit of the yellow on a paper plate and dipped the same pencil into it creating a head a torso. Then with a pencil that was a little sharper I dotted a little but beside the head and torso, the tip of the tail, then with the same pencil I filled in the tail. With the black I put a little dot on the head for the eye, and with the orange I made a little beak. Then I used the same "bubble" mixture that I used for my other nails to make it look like the duck was sitting in a bath. Then I added some more bubbles on the rest of the nail.
I used this sparkly polish to add a little bit of sparkle to every part that I had put "bubbles" on.
I hope this makes since!!! I got this idea from this video- If you try this tell me!!
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