Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Soap making

Hi-ya girlies!!!  Sorry I have not posted in a while, I don't have an excuse sorry.  I have been getting into soap making the last couple of weeks, well I haven't actually MADE any soap yet but I am excited to start.  I have been watching You Tube how to videos and searching online for the least expensive products.   Today I ordered my first batch of stuff, right now I am just going to do melt and pour, later I might try my hand at cold or hot process ( Melt and pour= getting a pre-made soap base and adding color and scents.  Cold and hot process= two ways to make soap from scratch).  I watched a couple of videos and did some reading on it, before I decided if I wanted to spend money on it or not.  If you are also interested in soap making I would advise watching videos by soap queen tv on you tube, her videos are very informative and easy to follow.  Another you tube channel that I have watched a little is soaping101.  If you are looking for videos for a little inspiration look at Edens Secret on You Tube.  So those are some of the places that you can look at to know more.  If you have decided that you want to start making soap here are a couple of places that sell supplies-  This is the place that I ordered off of, it seemed to be the cheapest, but  I will tell you that I ended up paying $13 on shipping, but I am guessing that I will be that expensive any where that you go because of the kind of things that is getting shipped.  When I get my stuff I will be sure to tell you about it