Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Some GREAT Songs!

Well I LOVE listening to music and I really think that music is a good way that God can teach you.  So here are some of my favorites I will probably forget about some so you might be seeing another post like this a little latter but for now enjoy!

Manic Drive to Save a Life-
This song is just wonderful! I cried the first time I heard it.  The lyrics are just wonderful and something awesome and a little scary to think about.  A very thought provoking song

Rascal Flatts He ain't the Leavin Kind
This is another GREAT song, it took me a while to figure out what he was talking about but just listen carefully and you will soon be amazed :).

Everlife What's Beautiful
Like almost every other teenage girl out there I look in the mirror and don't always like what I see this song is very encouraging and just fun to listen to.

Cleaning my Gun by Rodney Atkins
OH GOSH! this song is just hilarious!

Are You Happy Now? by Megan and Liz
Being a homeschooling I don't really have to deal with any bullying (I don't think having to stand on a chair to grab my paper from my 6' 2" brother counts as bullying, do you?) but this song is really cool, and I love the message, because I now that bullying is real thing that a LOT of people have to live through.

Marvelous Light by Charlie Hall
I love the words of this song, but first learned it in church, and I always like the way we sing it better.  Oh well, still an awesome song.
Just watch it.  Words cannot describe it

Group 1 Crew- He said
A very encouraging song. God will NEVER give me more than I can take. 

Blown Away- Carrie Underwood
The lyrics aren't all that special, but wow, it sounds so COOL! 

Well there ya go, a few of the favorites! I hope you enjoyed!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Long Car Trip Survival Bag!!!

Well Christmas is almost here and with Christmas comes long trips to Grandma's house. I don't know about you but my Grandmother does not just live over the river and through the woods! Long trips mean long trips with brothers and sisters, well I am here to help! I just put together a long trip survival bag, so here it is!
You need a bag for all of your goods to go into.
The first thing you need is a water bottle so you don't get thirsty on the long trip one with a bendy straw is the best because when you blow into it, it sings! See how many different notes you can get it to play.
 Some lip products, you must look BEAUTIFUL while you are driving through the boonies. 

You will also be needing two socks.  Yes you read that right I said two socks I did not say a pair of socks, any two socks will do, because as sure as my name is Celina you will get cold
You will also be needing a hoodie it can double as a eye cover to get your much needed beauty sleep. 

A hairbrush is essential so you can freshen up before hugging Grandma after the long trip, and it is also great as a microphone

A word puzzle book is always good, just make sure it is not to hard, because then you will just chuck it out the window and have nothing to do the rest of the trip

A journal, to write down all of your genius thoughts. 

a pen to write you thoughts with

A kindle or a book, if you have a kindle make sure that it is packed full with some good books, I also like to have audio books on mine (for free audio books go here- and go here for free non-audio books they also have a few audio books too I think

An Ipod and some ear buds.

A bag full of colored markers and crayons so you can color you wonderful thoughts
A tape measure, wonderful for measuring things like your big toe for example.

A banana this is great because it will double as a phone if your cell phone is out of batteries.

Some hair ties so you won't get too hot after you have put on your hoodie and socks.

A stuffed animal to keep you company


Lotion, one that smells good is the best.

Deodorant for after you get hot because you are wearing a hoodie and socks, so you have to try to get the hoodie off in the car without punching anyone, trust me you will be sweating
So there you have it a traveling bag packed with fun!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

I made some pepermint bark soap today. I just wanted to show you guys how I did it and how it turned.

I started out with one chunk of clear melt and pour, I am not sure how much a chunk weighs but I got it at Nature's Garden Candles. After I melted the clear soap base, I added about a teaspoon of cocoa, and mixed the two together. 

The chocolate part came out a little darker then I would have wanted.  If I do it again I will probably use a white base instead of clear, to make the chocolate look a little more like milk chocolate.

 Next I melted about a chunk and a half of white shea butter base. To that I added a little peperiment extract for smell and added it to the top of the brown.

Next I melted another chunk of white shea butter and added some more pepermint extract.  I poured that in a thin layer on top of some plastic wrap.
I then melted yet another chunk of white shea butter base and added some red dye.  Because I used a white base the red came out a little on the pink side, but it ended up looking really good. I poured the pinkish red in a thin layer on top of the white and let them harden. 

Then I pealed the white and pink off of the plastic wrap and cut it into small chunks
I melted a little more white and poured it on top because the first layer had already dried so the peperiment pieces would not have stuck. Then I simply sprinkled the pieces onto the bar of soap.  


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hebrews 4:12

"The word of God is alive and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword.  It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart"  Hebrews 4:12

Feeling Energyless??? (new word)

If you are feeling dull and bored THENNNN.......... Listen to this song, I have no clue what it means or where it came from.  If just makes me happy

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pumpkin Swirl Brownies

Well hello!  I just got a camera so I might be able to post more (don't cross your fingers).I always feel bad about posting when I don't have any picutres, it is just way more fun to read a blog post that actually has pictures to explain what my words are failing to do. 
Wellllllll, anyway last night I made some pumpkin swirl brownies, they did not turn out as amazingly beuatiful as I was expecting, I think that I put too much backing poweder in them.  They were still really yummy anways. 
Start with a 9x13 pan. 
The recipe that  I used said to put foil on the pan, I just decided to play it safe and follow the recipe for once.
Put three ounces of cream cheese and one tablespoon butter.  Whip it up until it is all smoth.
Add one half cup sugar and mix well.

Mix in one cup canned pumpkin, one egg, 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger (we didn't have any ginger, I used 1 teaspoon cinnamon so it still had good flavor and it turned out fine)

Mix it all up and put it in a seprate bowl and wash out your mixer.

Put six ounces of bittersweet chocolate and 3/4 cup butter and melt it all.

 Now you have chocolate butter, while you are melting it you can make up a camercial about chocolate butter, and practise on your family (that is what I did, my brother did not aprieciate the practising :) )

Put the chocolate butter into the mixer and add 2 1/4 cups sugar, mix well.

 Add four eggs, one at a time, mix well after each egg.   Add 1/4 cup milk and 2 teaspoons vinalla

I don't have a picture of this but add 1 1/4 cup flour 3/4 teaspoon baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon salt.     Pour the chocolate stuff in the pan.

Drop in the pumpkin stuff.
Swirl the pumpkin into the chocolate with a butter knife. DO NOT overswirl.

Bake on 325 for 60 minutes, I put mine in for and hour and 20 minuets.  This picture was taken after people got a couple samples :).  As you can see it is kind of crumbly on top, but the inside is really yummy and moist.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Deuteronomy 32:47

Deuteronomy 32:47
They are not just idle words for you-they are your life.

Sometimes, ok most of the time I don't treat God's words like they are my life.  A week or two can go by and I will only open the Bible during church.  God didn't give us this book just for decoration, that is what the trees, flowers, lakes and rivers are for, He gave us His word so that we can read it and become stronger better people.   

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Breakfast bars

I got a wonderful recipe for breakfast bars (  I just tried making them, SUPER easy and yummy!

in a saucepan over meduim heat, combine 1/3cup honey, 1/4 cup peanut butter and 2 tablespoons of butter. Heat and stir until all melted and mixed in.  Remove from heat and add one cup of oats, one cup of chex (the recipe on the web site calls for rice crispy but we didn't have any, I think that the chex would be better any way)- stir.  Then just add whatever else you want I added peanuts and raisins for Jono, he cannot have a lot of sugar for football so I just added chocolate chips in my part of the pan.  Just press them down into the bottom of a cake pan.  Put them into the fridge to cool.  I just made mine and they are not cool yet, I don't know if they will even make it to that stage, me and Jono have been digging into them all morning! So yummy!!!

Sorry I don't have any pictures I cannot find the camera charger :(

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Soap making

Hi-ya girlies!!!  Sorry I have not posted in a while, I don't have an excuse sorry.  I have been getting into soap making the last couple of weeks, well I haven't actually MADE any soap yet but I am excited to start.  I have been watching You Tube how to videos and searching online for the least expensive products.   Today I ordered my first batch of stuff, right now I am just going to do melt and pour, later I might try my hand at cold or hot process ( Melt and pour= getting a pre-made soap base and adding color and scents.  Cold and hot process= two ways to make soap from scratch).  I watched a couple of videos and did some reading on it, before I decided if I wanted to spend money on it or not.  If you are also interested in soap making I would advise watching videos by soap queen tv on you tube, her videos are very informative and easy to follow.  Another you tube channel that I have watched a little is soaping101.  If you are looking for videos for a little inspiration look at Edens Secret on You Tube.  So those are some of the places that you can look at to know more.  If you have decided that you want to start making soap here are a couple of places that sell supplies-  This is the place that I ordered off of, it seemed to be the cheapest, but  I will tell you that I ended up paying $13 on shipping, but I am guessing that I will be that expensive any where that you go because of the kind of things that is getting shipped.  When I get my stuff I will be sure to tell you about it   

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Well most people are done with school! I will be done on the 6th of June. :) only three more days!!!!!!!  So I just wanted to tell ya'l some of my summer plans.  I am going to worldview camp next week, then right after that we are going on a missions trip to south Dakota.  So June will be a little bit of a crazy month.  This summer I am going to be a volunteer at  Rocksolid (a day camp for kids).  Some time this summer me and my little brother will be spending a week at my Grandparents, because my Grandma retired this year and is trying to get to know her grand kids a little better I guess.  I have a few of my own little plans this summer, I am working on a list of books that I want to read- Here is what I have so far-

Atonement Child
Phantom Stallion
Ella Enchanted
Hollywood Nobody series (I have read these books, this will be my third time reading them.  They are a must read for me!
Angel Child (I have also read this book, AMAZING!)

If you guys have any other suggestions please tell me!! As you can tell this list will only last me for like a week or two so :).

Me and my friends are also planning on getting together a couple times this summer and hanging out of a night, that will be fun.
Sorry it has been so long since I have posted!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bike ride/Math

If you don't already know, our family is going to ride the Katy Trail this summer (here is a link that explains the Katy Trail if you don't know what it is  Grandpa is going to go with us, but he is going to take down our camp in the morning and drive the truck to the next place and set up the tent for us.  So today Grandpa called and asked if any of us kids wanted to go with him to drive along the trial, look at the camp sites, camp at the end then drive back the next day.  Of course I wanted to but I had to study for a math test today so I was not able to go :( :(.  Both of the boys went so it is just me, Mom and Dad home right now.  After Dad got home Mom suggested that we ride out bikes to town, go out to eat and ride back.  So off we went, if you don't know, we live kind of out in the boonies so it is about 10 miles into town.  We went a back way that was not on the highway, so it was all hills. I don't mean little hills I mean BIG hills, like Caddy sledding  hill hills (sorry if you don't know the caddy's sledding hill!).  It took us about an hour and a half to get into town.  On the way back, I was fighting asma and plus I am pretty out of shape so Dad went home ahead of us so he could come get us in the truck.  He went as hard as he could but we were only like two miles from home and past the hills when he got to us, so we just decided to finish.  It was HARD, I was almost ready to drop when I got home at 8:30pm.  But I did it! When I got home I have to tell you guys I started crying, because I remembered that I still had a math test to do.  Yes I am kind of a cry baby.  But Dad helped me and it was easier than I thought so I was able to get it done by 9:20 (I took a shower and stuff before I started) So that was my CRAZY day, it is  a pain to even walk up the stairs now. :P

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cool discovery!!

I found this last night and you download it to your computer and then you can download any youtube video you want onto you computer!!! It works, annnndddd its free!!!!! I already have like all of Jamie Grace's songs, 12 of Britt nicole's songs, and "good Morning" by Mandisa.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Dinner :)

We are having fish today! Grandpa gave us some while we were at his house, fresh caught. Any way, I thought that since I don't have anything to post about right now I will post on our dinner. I may or may not start posting on what we have for dinner (don't get mad at me if I do), and giving if ya'll want I can give recipes (or some resemblance of a recipe, you know my mom doesn't follow directions :) ) Well here goes!

Here is the batter mix we used (TRUST ME, we didn’t use bear!)

The fish (I know it looks gross)

The fish sitting in the lovely batter

Being fried in a TON of shortening

YUM! All nicely fried (sorry the picture is fuzzy)

But it’s just so good!

The strawberries

Yep that is dinner yum yum!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I'm back!!

Well the thirty day challenge is over and I have a couple of projects that I photographed so I can post on them after it was over. Right know I am sitting on my grandma's couch, and if you could pray for me and my allergies. I have been having bad allergies, but also last night I had my first round of asthma. I had to sleep on the recliner because I couldn't breath laying down. Right now I am having trouble breathing again. If you guys gold just pray that I would start feeling better I would appreciate that. Love you guys!
( oh I started a post a while ago so look back past the thirty day challenge post to see it :) )

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

30- Day Challenge

So I am probabaly going to do this- :) any one want to do it with me???? Any way, I am going to add NO computer/tv other than school and family things, so I won't be answering and emails sorry :). whew! this is going to be hard. Susie Mag, did this last summer, but I am just going to do it know. :)-
• Do something kind for a neighbor three times a week for 30 days.
• Hug someone in your family three times a week for 30 days.
• Volunteer to do an extra chore (or someone else’s chore) at home three times a week for 30 days.
• Take a bubble bath at least one time in the next 30 days to help you unwind.

Besides completing the above, CHOOSE ONE of the following to complete:
• Snail mail two handwritten notes of encouragement to someone in ministry during the next 30 days.
• Make a snack for your family three times during the next 30 days.

• Tithe 10 percent of your income or allowance for 30 days. (If you don’t receive any allowance or income, tithe 15 minutes of your time to help someone do something every day for 30 days.)
• Help organize an event for your youth group or closest friends to volunteer at a charity (e.g., soup
kitchen, thrift store, pregnancy resource center, church nursery, etc.) one time during the next 30 days.

Besides completing the above, CHOOSE ONE of the following to complete:
• Donate your old clothes, CDs, books and other items.
• Tithe your talent three times in the next 30 days (bake cookies for a neighbor, mow someone’s grass, babysit for free, send a handmade card, etc. In other words, whatever you do well, do it for some- one else.)

• Read five chapters of Psalms each day.
• Read the Gospel of Mark once.
• Memorize 1 Corinthians 13 in any version of the Bible. (Yes, the entire chapter.)
• Keep a prayer journal for 30 days.

Besides completing the above, CHOOSE TWO of the following to complete:
• Volunteer one day at your church to help where needed.
• Listen to a sermon you’ve never heard before on tape, podcast, the internet or CD.
• Verbally share your faith with someone who’s not a Christian.
• Invite a friend to church or youth group who does not regularly a??end.

• Read any book by Lee Strobel. (Make sure you read the student version.)
• Read Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard.
• Use a dictionary to learn the meaning of muckrake. Then use it in a conversation one day.
• Use the dictionary to learn the meaning of zeppelin. Then use it in a conversation one day.
• Go one week with no television.

Besides completing the above, CHOOSE TWO of the following to complete:

• Play one of the following games with your fam- ily one time during the next 30 days: Farkle®, Scrabble®, Trivial Pursuit®, Monopoly®, Pit®.
• Go one week without using your computer.
• Plan a movie night with friends or family, and create five questions about the movie to discuss afterward. Choose one of the following movies to watch: The Ultimate Gift, Left Behind, Amazing Grace, Anne of Green Gables, Hangman’s Curse, Facing the Giants, Expelled, Secondhand Lions.

• Walk briskly for 30 minutes a day five times a week for 30 days.
• Avoid all caffeinated drinks for three days out of every week for 30 days.
• Lift 10 pounds of weights 25 times three times a week. If you don’t have weights, lift the same amount in something else (sacks of potatoes, bags of flour, etc.)
• Eat at least one fruit and one vegetable every day. (A tomato is a fruit, by the way.)

Besides completing the above, CHOOSE TWO of the following to complete:

• Jog 20 minutes a day three times a week for the next 30 days.
• Jump rope for 20 minutes three times a week for the next 30 days.
• Swim for 20 minutes three times a week for the next 30 days.
• Bicycle for 30 minutes three times a week for the next 30 days.

What if I’ve already read one of the books listed? Can I count that?
No. Read it again.

To whom do I say my memorized verses?

Say them to a parent, because Mom or Dad will be signing the paper stating you completed the entire challenge.
What if I’ve already memorized 1 Corinthians 13?
Then memorize it in a different version of the Bible.

I play sports and am already physically active. Does that count?
If you have sports practice or games, you may count that as your exercise for that specific day.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

My painting/planting experienceswa

So I wanted to put some flowers in my room, but all we had was a pot that wasn't very pretty, so I decided to paint it....
My pot-
The blue paint I used

After the first coat

You should paint the inside too, just in case you don't put the dirt all the way up to the top.

The second coat

Yellow paint

dipped in a strip of sponge

Then I just pressed it onto the pot in a line

the finished pot,

my dirt :)

Mix with some water (this is when mud pie making skills come in handy)

Tada! perfect mud!

The seeds
Put it all in the pot
Put some plastic wrap over it and put it by the window to create a little greenhouse.

I will put some pictures up later of how the flowers turn out